Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Baby M

Can you tell I'm just a bit of a proud Auntie?? All these new little nephews and a niece and they are all just so stinkin' cute!!! This little one was pretty patient with me molding and folding her, with only one little poopy mess and a few squeals and screams at me. The good news? A: just look at the adorable pics we got out of her, and B: she told me afterward that she forgives me and I am still her favorite Auntie!! ;) WHEW!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Baby C

Nephew # 4...Baby C was such a stinkin cutie!! He had me laughing the entire time from the faces he would pull when I was trying to pose him. This little guy looks JUST like his big sister, but with that obvious masculine touch ;) ;).